Professor in Marketing

The academic Faculty is to work for a minimum of forty (40) hours per week; the Faculty is expected to teach a full course load and holding office hours accordingly, subject to revision by the Chair/Coordinator in consultation with Dean and VPAA for any course release for research or community outreach.

In addition to teaching, faculty members, in consultation with the Dean should focus additional, non-instructional activities on Research, Development and Creative activities or administrative duties and services to the university and community.

Areas of Responsibility

Teaching assigned classes;
Maintaining adequate records of progress and evaluation for all students enrolled in classes assigned and submitting grades on dates indicated by the Registrar each semester (mid-semester and final);
Preparing syllabi in conjunction with the Department Head for distribution to students in the first week of the course (with a copy sent to the Department Head);
Assisting theDepartment Head in evaluating course objectives and sequencing;
Recommending curricular changes;
Maintaining set office hours during the semester – posting these and informing students;
Advising students and assisting in tracking “at risk” students with poor academic performance;
Reporting any needed repairs of equipment and any needed supplies;
Recommending to theDepartment Head the acquisition of reference materials for the department;
Developing new course(s) as requested by theDepartment Head or Dean;
Supervising, teaching and/or administering independent studies;
Keeping up-to-date on developments in one’s discipline through participation in professional associations;
Advising students during the registration periods;
Attending faculty meetings and departmental meetings;
Attending orientation and professional development workshops;
Understanding the purpose and goals of the university and espousing them in the performance of their responsibilities;
Performing community outreach activities;
Serving as an ambassador to Canadian University Dubai by promoting the institution when engaged in professional duties off campus.

Qualifications & Experience

PhD in the specialized domain (subject matter expert)
Applicants with experience within a Canadian Institution are preferred

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